
My Story

So let me tell you my story, hope your sitting comfortably...

Some of you will have gained weight and never tried to lose it while others of you may have lost weight and then eventually put it back on. Well I have been there too!

Having tried to get fit whilst I was practising the martial art of Taekwondo, I found the more I trained to lose weight and get fitter, the more I felt worse and took longer to recover from training sessions. By accident I found myself inadvertently joining a “fat club”.

When I got home that evening, I read through the booklet and decided to give it a go (no harm in trying). At that point I asked my daughter to grab the camera and take a quick photo for the purpose of doing a comparison in 6 weeks time. If I had no positive result I was going to ditch the plan.

As you can see from the pictures, it did work and continued until I got to a size I was happy and feeling healthy with. My energy levels went up, my training advanced rapidly (and I could now Kick Ass!). My life style was much better and there was certainly a spring in my step. 

When I look back I realise how well I did which I put down to three important factors:
1 – A desire to commit to doing what was needed to improve my health and lose weight.
2 - A good healthy diet that was easy to maintain.
3 – the most important, the support of the slimming clubs consultant.

She was a star and I felt she cared. I loved being weighed in and being told I had lost weight and even more so, when I was the clubs Slimmer of the Week (which was more often than not). I was even nominated for our clubs “Slimmer of the Year” in the national organisations yearly awards. After my success I wanted to help other achieve what I had just done and so became a weight consultant for the same organisation running clubs of my own. Very quickly I found that the biggest obstacle to slimming success was not down to poor diet alone but due to problems in my slimmer’s personal lives. As a slimming consultant, I had to adhere to the working practice of the company which like most top slimming companies is very much carrot and stick... Look at what you could look like and wear... if you weren’t so FAT!

I realised that for real success, a better approach would be to resolve the clients health/personal life issues with a more holistic approach which is not really within the remit of slimming clubs due to a lack of relevant "human understanding" training (although for many people the typical club model may suffice- as it did for me).

So where did it all go wrong for me?

Life style has the greatest impact on our healths and most of the time; people are powerless to bring about the changes they need to make their lives work for them and not against them. These strains can include relationships, children & family, money matters and especially work.
I had a career change after my time in Politics to become a college lecturer in the area of Electronics Engineering (due to my science & engineering background). This role presented new challenges, returning to study, reorganising routines, varying working hours... the list goes on. This was also hampered by the fact I was dyslexic (unknown to me at that time).

The irregular working hours did not allow for regular meal/snack breaks, the local store only sold unhealthy options for lunch, nowhere sensible to store your own prepared food (especially in hot weather) and some times, just not enough hours in the day to find time to eat...
Result = Return of the FAT-MAN
Due to a poor nutritional diet with added work stress leading to binge/comfort eating at times... the weight gradually returned.

Since becoming a Business and Personal life coach, I have regain my work life balance which has led to the need to return my health back to 100% the person on the inside. However, I have clients who face the same issues and need more control over their eating patterns when working long hours (medical and teaching professionals), on the road for long durations (business reps and distance drivers) and even people who have fitness and body image needs (such as athletes and models).
I have looked around the market for products that may well meet this need and advance my progress while maintaining flexibility. I have selected the Herbalife product range having broken the science down and carried out the calculations independently of their own publications. I have to confess to being extremely surprised as all their products do seem to meet their claims but as the saying goes... the proof is in the eating and hence I am a now my own case study (the human guinea pig).

I will be giving you a week by week account of my results and I would love your encouragement and support in this process. Please tell friends and family to log on and follow my ups and downs (I’m sure there will be a few along this journey) and feel free to post comments.

I want the best for my clients and the best from myself. I am confident that that my healthy one-to-one Personal Nutrition with Coaching Programme, will work for 95% of people who have the desire to bring about change in their lives, to improve their overall well-being, their health and their body confidence.

Please drop me a line... and tell the world about my mission.
